Saturday, October 16, 2010


I know, I know, it's been AGES since my last update! So tell ya what - not distracting status thingymabobbies. Just the derpshots - yes, plural. Will that make you not mad at me? *puppy-dog eyes*
I have no caption for this one. XP

Reminds me of the music video for "Going Under"
I know, not my best. BUT IT'S AN UPDATE! That has to count for something, right?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I dare say even "*le gaspy gasp!*"

*le gasp* I DIDN'T TELL YOU SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT!!! That didn't quite come out right...anyways, I write fan fiction! I'm on under the name Dautr abr du Sundavar. Now that that's out there...
Mood: You know what, I ain't doin' this anymore unless it's particularly remarkable. Mmkay? Mmkay. But right now, I feel awful. I has a sick. xP!
Listening to: The sounds of my own insanity, punctuated by the occasional sniffle.
Word of the day: Bumbling. And as Tom pointed out to me, I misspelled "recumbentibus" in my previous post. xP
Quote of the day: "You're a very amusing fellow. I'd like to brain you with my ax one of these days." -Jarl Erak Starfollower, Battle for Skandia, book 4 in the Ranger's Apprentice  series.
Reading: Well, I read Dracula - yes, the "original" vampire novel by Bram Stoker - over the past four-ish days, then read The Fallen this morning. Right now I'm just reading the words that scroll behind my eyes.
Where today's derpshot is from: Warehouse 13 season 2, episode 7, "For the Team"

Now...I'm not sayin' I'm drunk...but y' prob'ly wouldn't be smart for me ta drive...y'know?
Seriously, though, he's not drunk. I forget what he's doing - besides talking and making a stupid face. But there you have it. ^&^

Monday, September 13, 2010

Toldja so, Tom!

Yes, I am making this post merely because I told a friend I would. But hey, you guys are the ones benefiting from it! ^&^
Mood: Meh...okay. ^&^
Listening to: "Haunted" by - you guessed it - Evanescence. ^&^ Hey, that's the third emoticon in this post! Whoa...And now it's "Hello" by the same band. Kinda creepy...but awesome! So haunting...
Word of the Day: Recumbitis. Or indubitably, which was my original word, but Tom recommended I use recumbitis.
Quote of the Day: "Lovely word, quagmire." -Angela, from the book (not the UTTERLY BUTCHERED AND OTHERWISE [censored] MOVIE!!!!) Eragon. I love Angela! She's awesome!
Reading: Nothing at the moment - I finished The Atlantis Complex (AWESOME!) last night, and haven't gotten the chance to start anything today, so...but Blood Promise by Richelle Mead is next on my list!
Where today's derpshot is from: Eureka again. And again, from the season 2 episode (number three) "Best in Faux"

I swear, that dog's giving me the evil eye
Okay, so it's not my best material. It was an emergency shot! Gimme a break...AUGH! ELLIPSES! Ahem. Sorry. Semi-inside joke. ^&^

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Another POST, People!

Well, I still have writer's block, but I have earbuds that work now thanks to my awesome mother (thought I have to wonder how cheap they were xP). I'm fourteen now! Yayzers! Lolz my birthday was a couple days ago. Now. ONWARD!
Mood: Meh. Just...meh.
Listening to: Imaginary by Evanescence
Word of the Day: Quotient.
Quote of the Day: "Don't you look at me in that tone of voice." -Zane Donovan, from the Eureka season 3 episode "From Fear to Eternity"
Reading: Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex by Eoin Colfer. Good so far - but I'm only on page 30.
Where today's derpshot is from: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. It's a good movie!
Is it just me, or does he look constipated?
The Easterling, or Wildman, whatever he is, is swearing fealty to Sauruman - on his own blood, on behalf of his people. Kinda scary, no? I mean, who really wants a bunch of Wildlings or Eastermen with pooping problems to come after them? Hm?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I have writer's block.
Yes, I'm a writer - mainly fan fiction, but I have novel-in-progress and a few Internet-published chapter stories. Now, I have more than one chapter project going on, and what can I give my amazing readers? Nothing! Just profuse apologies. One of them hasn't been updated since July! And that was an author's note explaining that (a) my muse was giving me the finger (which it still is - hence the writer's block) and (b) I was going on vacation. Well, I'm home...but still no real chapter.
Anyways, on to the actual post. And thanks for reading my mini-rant. ^&^
Mood: Absolutely xP - see above mini-rant. Plus, my computer earbuds are broken. xP
Listening to: "Broken," a duet between Seether and Amy Lee, just finished as I typed the name - now "Bring Me to Life" by Evanescence is playing. And as I wrap up the post, the song has become "All That I'm Living For" by - who else - Evanescence. What, they're good!
Word of the Day: Monetization. If it's not a word, it ought to be.
Quote of the Day: "Well this is a thing unheard of! An Elf will go underground, when a Dwarf dare not! Oh, I'd never hear the end of it!" -Gimli, the totally awesome dwarf from The Lord of the Rings. This quote is from the third movie in the film trilogy, The Return of the King.
Reading: Crashed by Robin Wasserman. It's not vampires, but it's not bad either. ^&^
Where today's derpshot came from: Eureka season two, episode 3, "Best in Faux"

There you go. Like I said, I'll try to post at least once a week. ^&^

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"I've been here before/Now here I am again..." Good song. Very appropriate. xD

Hi again!
No, I'm not planning to say hi at the beginning of every post. But I felt like greeting the (extremely few) people who are reading this now - if any xP - so you know what? I did. :D Anyway, I wasn't planning on posting today - I'm trying to get into a habit of posting once a week - but this was just begging to be put on here. So I acquiesced. ^&^
Mood: Kinda happy (I finally got an important paper done! Yayzers!), kinda meh.
Listening to: Love Story by Taylor Swift. As I get ready to publish the post, it's changed to Whisper by Evanescence.
Word of the Day: Quintuplet.
Quote of the Day: "Greater good? I am your wife! I'm the greatest good you are ever gonna get!" -Honey, from The Incredibles
Reading: Still workin' on Hunted. There's been some interesting developments, though.
Where today's derpshot is from: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. I actually have two, but I'm gonna save one for a rainy day. Figuratively speaking. ^&^

And there ya have it, folks. An Uruk-hai with ice down his back. Or in his pants. You decide. And let me know which you think it is - anyone can comment. Hint, hint. :D By the way, the song mentioned in/used for the title it "Undo" by Rush of Fools - with whom I am not affiliated in any way. That may be my fan fiction-writing habit speaking, but it's a good habit, right?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Hey, Howdy, Hi, and All That Jazz

Hi there.
My name is Simone Jamie Alexandra Ragsdale the Third. Not really. But y'all can call me Sunda. That's really the name that I'm most commonly known by on the Internet. Which is kind of a good thing and kind of a sad thing at the same time, because it's really only a site or two. xP Anyways...
I'm basically some random teenage chick from Nowheresville, USA, who decided to actually listen to her father (I know, right?) and make a blog about "pause faces." We all know the phenomenon. We're in the middle of watching a movie or show or what-have-you, and we need to pause it for whatever reason. So we do so, and almost every time, the person/people onscreen have these absolutely stupid expressions on their faces that just make you want to say "Derp." Well, I'm here to entertain you by giving you more derpshots, as I have just christened them. Don't even think about expecting regular posting - I'm afflicted with acute Procrastinitis. Think about it for a minute - you'll figure it out.
Sorry to disappoint you if you're a "normal" person, but I'm probably mostly going to derpshots (that's such a fun word!) from Nerdville or Geekdom. Or both. Anyways, expect to see a lot of shows from the SyFy channel, as well as Lord of the Rings (awesome movies!), Star Trek (none of the old ones, though - I'm strictly a "new movie" girl when it comes to that franchise), and possibly Mythbusters. What can I say - I'm a nerd. xD
I'm going to be ambitious and put up a status thingymabobby. You know, mood, music - you know what, just watch. ^&^ (<--by the way, that's my variation of ^_^)
Mood: Meh. Just meh.
Listening to: The Incredibles, which is playing in the living room, and my computer fan.
Word of the Day: Bifurcating. Look it up and consider your vocabulary expanded.
Reading: Hunted, the fifth book in the House of Night series by P. C. Cast and her daughter Kristin.
Where today's derpshot is from: The SyFy show Eureka. Season two, episode 9. It's called  "Sight Unseen."

And here's the derpshot! Originally this was just going to be an "About Me" post, but then I figured I should give you a derpshot. Consider it a freebie.

That's Zoey Carter. I forget why she's derping. But it's funny, no?
There you go. You've learned stuff, I hope. Now goodnight.